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Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems: Stochastic Analysis and Synthesis (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)

Mufeed Mahmoud, Jin Jiang, Youmin Zhang

[PDF.ji45] Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems: Stochastic Analysis and Synthesis (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)

Active Fault Tolerant Control  Mufeed Mahmoud, Jin Jiang, Youmin Zhang epub
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Active Fault Tolerant Control  Mufeed Mahmoud, Jin Jiang, Youmin Zhang audiobook
Active Fault Tolerant Control  Mufeed Mahmoud, Jin Jiang, Youmin Zhang book review
Active Fault Tolerant Control  Mufeed Mahmoud, Jin Jiang, Youmin Zhang summary

 | #11459918 in Books |  Springer |  2003-04-10 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.00 x.55 x6.00l,.81 | File type: PDF | 210 pages



Modern technological systems rely on sophisticated control functions to meet increased performance requirements. For such systems, Fault Tolerant Control Systems (FTCS) need to be developed. Active FTCS are dependent on a Fault Detection and Identification (FDI) process to monitor system performance and to detect and isolate faults in the systems. The main objective of this book is to study and to validate some important issues in real-time Active FTCS by means of t...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems: Stochastic Analysis and Synthesis (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)   |  Mufeed Mahmoud, Jin Jiang, Youmin Zhang. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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