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Cyberpower: An Introduction to the Politics of Cyberspace

Tim Jordan

[PDF.zo25] Cyberpower: An Introduction to the Politics of Cyberspace

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 | #4241892 in Books |  1999-04-02 |  1999-02-18 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.21 x.61 x6.14l,1.02 | File type: PDF | 268 pages

|| |"Whether Cyberspace is a place or not, many explorers need orientation to the digital world--a map. And sociologist Tim Jordan is ready to provide just that, claiming that 'the patterns of virtual life are clear enough to be mapped....This book is such a globe

This is the first complete introduction to and analysis of the politics of the internet. Chapters are arranged around key words and use case studies to guide the reader through a wealth of material.
Cyberpower presents all the key concepts of cyberspace including:
* power and cyberspace
* the virtual individual
* society in cyberspace
* imagination and the internet.

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Cyberpower: An Introduction to the Politics of Cyberspace   |  Tim Jordan.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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