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Digital Sensations: Space, Identity, and Embodiment in Virtual Reality

Ken Hillis

[PDF.pp52] Digital Sensations: Space, Identity, and Embodiment in Virtual Reality

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 | #17212685 in Books |  1999-09-15 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.00 x.90 x6.00l,1.20 | Binding: Library Binding | 316 pages

||20 of 21 people found the following review helpful.| A dazzling study of virtual reality|By Bob Rehak|With virtual reality (VR) -- or at least the promise of it -- fast becoming a fixture in the public imagination, books like this are vitally important in shaping how we think about, make use of, and create future technologies of representation. Drawing from a remarkable breadth of cultural, technical, and philosophical though|About the Author|Ken Hillis is Professor of Media and Technology Studies at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is author of Digital Sensations: Space, Identity, and Embodiment in Virtual Reality; Online a Lot of the Time: Ritual, Fetish, Sign;

Virtual reality is in the news and in the movies, on TV and in the air. Why is the technology -- or the idea -- so prevalent precisely now? What does it mean -- what does it do -- to us? Digital Sensations looks closely at the ways representational forms generated by communication technologies -- especially digital/optical virtual technologies -- affect the "lived" world.

Virtual reality, or VR, is a technological reproduction of the process of perceiving the real; yet...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Digital Sensations: Space, Identity, and Embodiment in Virtual Reality   |  Ken Hillis.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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