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Feedback Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion (Automation and Control Engineering)

Eric R. Westervelt, Jessy W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau, Jun Ho Choi, Benjamin Morris

[PDF.za48] Feedback Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion (Automation and Control Engineering)

Feedback Control of Dynamic  Eric R. Westervelt, Jessy W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau, Jun Ho Choi, Benjamin Morris epub
Feedback Control of Dynamic  Eric R. Westervelt, Jessy W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau, Jun Ho Choi, Benjamin Morris pdf download
Feedback Control of Dynamic  Eric R. Westervelt, Jessy W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau, Jun Ho Choi, Benjamin Morris pdf file
Feedback Control of Dynamic  Eric R. Westervelt, Jessy W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau, Jun Ho Choi, Benjamin Morris audiobook
Feedback Control of Dynamic  Eric R. Westervelt, Jessy W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau, Jun Ho Choi, Benjamin Morris book review
Feedback Control of Dynamic  Eric R. Westervelt, Jessy W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau, Jun Ho Choi, Benjamin Morris summary

 | #2145386 in Books |  2007-06-26 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.21 x1.13 x6.14l,1.93 | File type: PDF | 528 pages

||2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.| life altering|By Philip Taylor|This book changed my life. Buy it while you can. Before reading this book, I was stuck in that all-too-familiar rut of Static, Mono-pedal Robot Locomotion. Not anymore! Worth every penny!|About the Author|The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA IRCCYN, Nantes Atlantic University, CNRS, France Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Kore University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Bipedal locomotion is among the most difficult challenges in control engineering. Most books treat the subject from a quasi-static perspective, overlooking the hybrid nature of bipedal mechanics. Feedback Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion is the first book to present a comprehensive and mathematically sound treatment of feedback design for achieving stable, agile, and efficient locomotion in bipedal robots.

In this unique and groundbreaking treatise, exp...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Feedback Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion (Automation and Control Engineering)   |  Eric R. Westervelt, Jessy W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau, Jun Ho Choi, Benjamin Morris. I was recommended this book by a dear friend of mine.

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