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If DNA Is Software, Who Wrote the Code?

Tom Bunzel

[PDF.dg74] If DNA Is Software, Who Wrote the Code?

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If DNA Is Software,  Tom Bunzel book review
If DNA Is Software,  Tom Bunzel summary

 | #232281 in Books |  2016-10-24 | Original language:English |  9.02 x.51 x5.98l, | File type: PDF

||1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.| The content of the book is not related to the ...|By George Kosta|The content of the book is not related to the DNA. It is collection of many random " phylosophical speculations" of the author. I have returned the book.| |What Others Are Saying:

1. On a first quick look, your book is absolutely fascinating Graham Hancock, best=selling author of Magicians of the Gods (Tom will be Graham Hancock's author of the month in January 2017)

2. "T

If DNA is Software, Who Wrote the Code?

For a society addicted to computers - this is a very profound question.

If you deeply understand what it means for life to operate with the precision and perfection of the software we have created in its image, it can open you up to a completely different view of nature and yourself.

In 2013, 78.5 percent of all households had a desktop or laptop computer, while 63.6 percent...

You easily download any file type for your device.If DNA Is Software, Who Wrote the Code?   |  Tom Bunzel. I really enjoyed this book and have already told so many people about it!

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