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Information Systems: Correctness and Reusability : Selected Papers from the Is-Core Workshop : Amsterdam 26-30 September 1994

Netherlands) Is-Core Workshop (1994 Amsterdam, R. J. Wieringa

[PDF.ic08] Information Systems: Correctness and Reusability : Selected Papers from the Is-Core Workshop : Amsterdam 26-30 September 1994

Information Systems: Correctness and  Netherlands) Is-Core Workshop (1994 Amsterdam, R. J. Wieringa epub
Information Systems: Correctness and  Netherlands) Is-Core Workshop (1994 Amsterdam, R. J. Wieringa pdf download
Information Systems: Correctness and  Netherlands) Is-Core Workshop (1994 Amsterdam, R. J. Wieringa pdf file
Information Systems: Correctness and  Netherlands) Is-Core Workshop (1994 Amsterdam, R. J. Wieringa audiobook
Information Systems: Correctness and  Netherlands) Is-Core Workshop (1994 Amsterdam, R. J. Wieringa book review
Information Systems: Correctness and  Netherlands) Is-Core Workshop (1994 Amsterdam, R. J. Wieringa summary

 | #18583388 in Books |  1995-06 | Original language:English |  8.75 x6.25 x1.00l, | File type: PDF | 260 pages


This volume contains papers on formal system specification. The chapters treat algebraic specification, temporal logic specification, default specifications and deontic logic specification. Applications include information systems, distributed systems, and real-time systems. One of the major themes in the book is the drive to bring formal specification techniques one step further towards realistic applications.

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Information Systems: Correctness and Reusability : Selected Papers from the Is-Core Workshop : Amsterdam 26-30 September 1994   |  Netherlands) Is-Core Workshop (1994 Amsterdam, R. J. Wieringa. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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