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Interactive Multi-modal Question-Answering (Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing)

From Springer

[PDF.ou16] Interactive Multi-modal Question-Answering (Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing)

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Interactive Multi-modal Question-Answering (Theory From Springer pdf file
Interactive Multi-modal Question-Answering (Theory From Springer audiobook
Interactive Multi-modal Question-Answering (Theory From Springer book review
Interactive Multi-modal Question-Answering (Theory From Springer summary

 |  2013-07-14 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.20 x.64 x6.18l,.93 | File type: PDF | 280 pages

|| ||From the reviews:|“Researchers in broad disciplines … usually conduct their research by breaking the general problem down into many small problems. … It is rare for many researchers to coordinate their efforts and demonstrate what progress

This book is the result of a group of researchers from different disciplines asking themselves one question: what does it take to develop a computer interface that listens, talks, and can answer questions in a domain? First, obviously, it takes specialized modules for speech recognition and synthesis, human interaction management (dialogue, input fusion, and multimodal output fusion), basic question understanding, and answer finding. While all modules are researched a...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Interactive Multi-modal Question-Answering (Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing)   |  From Springer.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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