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Supporting Sustainable Decision-Making- Evaluation of Previous Support Tools with New Designs

Timothy Maciag

[PDF.qk71] Supporting Sustainable Decision-Making- Evaluation of Previous Support Tools with New Designs

Supporting Sustainable Decision-Making- Evaluation  Timothy Maciag epub
Supporting Sustainable Decision-Making- Evaluation  Timothy Maciag pdf download
Supporting Sustainable Decision-Making- Evaluation  Timothy Maciag pdf file
Supporting Sustainable Decision-Making- Evaluation  Timothy Maciag audiobook
Supporting Sustainable Decision-Making- Evaluation  Timothy Maciag book review
Supporting Sustainable Decision-Making- Evaluation  Timothy Maciag summary

 |  2007-07-27 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.61 x.30 x6.69l,.52 | File type: PDF | 140 pages

||About the Author|is a Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science at the University of Regina. His research focuses on user interface personalization for sustainability through online shopping support tools. He is a member of the Sustainable CHI google group and the pri

The quality of the natural environment has become one of the primary concerns in present society. However, very little has been done to illuminate the various connections between our household purchases and the effect they can have on the quality of our health and environment. Decision support tools are becoming more important as more people are required to incorporate much more diverse information into their everyday decisions regarding health and environmental impacts....

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Supporting Sustainable Decision-Making- Evaluation of Previous Support Tools with New Designs   |  Timothy Maciag.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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