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The Tuning of Place: Sociable Spaces and Pervasive Digital Media (MIT Press)

Richard Coyne

[PDF.qm65] The Tuning of Place: Sociable Spaces and Pervasive Digital Media (MIT Press)

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 | #2935643 in Books |  2010-03-26 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.00 x.63 x6.00l,1.35 | File type: PDF | 360 pages

|| ||Richard Coyne has found in the idea of 'tuning' a powerful metaphor for the many ways in which we continuously adjust ourselves to our environments and each other. Coyne's analysis is as sensitive and delicate as the processes it tracks. Knowledgeable, but ac

How do pervasive digital devices -- smartphones, iPods, GPS navigation systems, and cameras, among others -- influence the way we use spaces? In The Tuning of Place, Richard Coyne argues that these ubiquitous devices and the networks that support them become the means of making incremental adjustments within spaces -- of tuning place. Pervasive media help us formulate a sense of place, writes Coyne, through their capacity to introduce small changes, in the sam...

You easily download any file type for your gadget.The Tuning of Place: Sociable Spaces and Pervasive Digital Media (MIT Press)   |  Richard Coyne. I really enjoyed this book and have already told so many people about it!

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