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Windows 10: The Missing Manual

David Pogue

[PDF.no79] Windows 10: The Missing Manual

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Windows 10: The Missing  David Pogue book review
Windows 10: The Missing  David Pogue summary

 | #9165 in Books |  imusti |  2015-09-01 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.17 x1.39 x7.01l,2.20 | File type: PDF | 690 pages


||194 of 200 people found the following review helpful.| Yes: still the book that should have been in the box...|By Long-Suffering Technology Consumer|...even if most Windows 10 users didn't receive their software in a box..

Technology consumers are by now nearly immune to the lack of documentation that accompanies both hardware and software, and power users have long resigned themselves to online searches or aftermark|About the Author|
|David Pogue is the anchor columnist for Yahoo Tech, having been groomed for the position by 13 years as the tech columnist for the New York Times. He's also a monthly columnist for Scientific American, host of science shows on PBS's "NOVA,

With Windows 8, Microsoft completely reimagined the graphical user interface for its operating system, which now runs on both desktop PCs and tablets, but the overhaul was not without hitches and its dueling UIs (one designed for touch, the other for keyboards and mice) created significant confusion for users. Windows 10 (a free update to users of Windows 8 or Windows 7) fixes a number of the problems introduced by the revolution in Windows 8 and offers plenty of...

You easily download any file type for your device.Windows 10: The Missing Manual   |  David Pogue. I have read it a couple of times and even shared with my family members. Really good. Couldnt put it down.

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