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Multiple Classifier Systems: 4th International Workshop, MCS 2003, Guilford, UK, June 11-13, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

From Springer

[PDF.sz78] Multiple Classifier Systems: 4th International Workshop, MCS 2003, Guilford, UK, June 11-13, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

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Multiple Classifier Systems: 4th From Springer summary

 | #7608446 in Books |  2009-02-22 | Ingredients: Example Ingredients | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x.96 x6.10l,1.30 | File type: PDF | 414 pages


The refereed proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems, MCS 2003, held in Guildford, UK in June 2003.

The 40 revised full papers presented with one invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected for presentation. The papers are organized in topical sections on boosting, combination rules, multi-class methods, fusion schemes and architectures, neural network ensembles, ensemble strategies, and applications

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Multiple Classifier Systems: 4th International Workshop, MCS 2003, Guilford, UK, June 11-13, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)   |  From Springer.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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